Notes and recipes from a Wine Merchant’s Kitchen

A tale of 250 of my family’s favourite meals.

Falling in love with exciting food and wine is a swift and easy process, providing it daily, at home for my family, is a lot more demanding. Notes and recipes from a Wine Merchant’s Kitchen looks back on the successes and mishaps of a life spent casting around for culinary discoveries.

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Begin. Part 2 -Facing the oven

Begin. Part 2 -Facing the oven

“Not in Utopia, subterranean fields, Or some secreted island, heaven knows where! But in the very world, which is the world Of all of us, the place...

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Sorrel soup

Sorrel soup

The leaves ‘sharpened the appetite, strengthened the heart, and gave so great a sharpness to a salad…that it should never be omitted” John Evelyn 1620 – 1706 That the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence is a prosaic reduction of Ovid’s earlier, more...

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Nut Roast

Nut Roast

“Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little”. Edmund Burke. 1729-97 When a sanguine publisher suggested I write a fashionably contextualised book based on East Anglian cuisine with the focus on ingredients, terroir and...

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Fave e pecorino

Fave e pecorino

“Simple food does not necessarily mean quick food or even easy food, though it can be both. Keeping it simple means being pure in effect - finding natural rhythms and balances allowing food to taste of itself. Simple food does not hide behind a sauce of concealment,...

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Duck Confit & Fleur de Sel

Duck Confit & Fleur de Sel

A while ago, I embarked upon a contemporary magazine project focusing on food and wine. Armed with my new title of Editor-in-Chief - and pausing only briefly to lower the bar within the elevated world of publishing - spontaneous plans were drawn up to undertake a...

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Jansson’s Temptation

Jansson’s Temptation

When Douglas Adams first introduced us to the world of Arthur Dent, Ford Prefect and Marvin the Paranoid Android, courtesy The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, a comedy science-fiction franchise was born. That was in 1979. Nearly a decade later, in 1987, a more...

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Coq au Riesling

Coq au Riesling

Coq au Vin is the quintessential bistro dish that remains a sublime French country classic and an essential part of what was once known as cuisine paysanne, a style of cuisine with which we may all have to become better acquainted given the predicted trajectory of...

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Breakfast Baps

Breakfast Baps

“A cynic knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.” Oscar Wilde Whilst revisiting a charming recipe with which to provide my daily bread (Breakfast Baps - Elizabeth David’s oft overlooked gem in her publication English Bread and Yeast Cookery of 1977), a...

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