Diary & Journal


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The Journal

General blog posts on life, wine, food.

Guanciale & Spaghetti all’ Amatriciana

Amongst the guardians of Semitic languages, pigs get burdened with a bad press. In some faiths, they are regarded as ‘unclean’ animals, mainly because, whilst rummaging in the wild, they will eat virtually anything - carrion, garbage, even animal excrement. Not so...

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Rich Pigeon Pâté

Rich Pigeon Pâté

Genesis 1:26. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Not wishing...

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Behind The Label

Behind The Label

Want to find out more about wine in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere then Behind the Label is the place to learn. As Norfolk’s foremost independent wine school we offer a wide range of flexible, enjoyable and educative courses. Each course focuses on wine tasting at...

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The Real Good Life – Archant Newspapers. December 2010

The Real Good Life – Archant Newspapers. December 2010

As I sit at my computer, with the wood burner bursting into life as morning logs are added to the preceding nights embers and snow swirls beyond my office window, garden guilt subsides for the first time this year. From the warmth of my office, I have checked every...

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